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How the CPC exercises the rule by law?

How the CPC exercises the rule by law?

作者: 戴木才 1965-

出版社: 北京 : 五洲传播出版社
出版时间: 2022


  • 作者:

    戴木才 1965-

  • 出版社:

    北京 : 五洲传播出版社

  • 语言:


  • 页数:


  • ISBN:



中国共产党坚持“法治与德治相结合”的治国理政之道,既符合人类社会发展规律、社会主义建设规律和共产党执政规律,也是适合我国基本国情、具有中国特色的治国之道。全书在深刻把握“法治”与“德治”的发展历史和辩证关系的基础上,系统阐述了“法治与德治相结合”的基本内涵、理论支撑和重要途径,将“法治”与“德治”的历史、理论和实践有机地结合起来。全书注重理论与实际、历史与现实、阐释与事例相结合,文字通顺,表述流畅,可读性强,图文并茂,是一本内容和形式相统一的通俗理论读物。 展开▼


戴木才,哲学博士。现任清华大学马克思主义学院教授、博士生导师。曾任中宣部政研所研究员、副所长、《思想政治工作研究》杂志总编辑;曾任中央党校教授、博士生导师,江西师范大学教授、“赣鄱英才555工程”高端柔性人才等。主要从事核心价值观、政治伦理、中国特色社会主义等研究。在《人民日报》《求是》《中国社会科学》《马克思主义研究》等报刊发表论文近百篇,出版著作近10部。 2014年2月24日,为第十八届中央政治局第十三次集体学习讲解“培育和弘扬社会主义核心价值观,弘扬中华传统美德”专题。党的十八大以来,出版的著作主要有:《兴国之魂》(获第五届中华优秀出版物奖、第四届中国图书出版政府奖等);《中国走社会主义道路为什么成功?》(输出英、法、俄、西班牙、阿拉伯、波斯、土耳其和越南文等8个语种版本,向全球发行);Ⅸ时代的价值坐标——社会主义核心价值观简明读本》(中宣部、国家新闻出版广电总局主题出版重点出版物)。 展开▼


Chapter I Basic Ways of Governing the Country
Basic governance ways of ancient China
The basic way of governance in the West
Historical lessons of governance from the Soviet Union
Evolution of governance modes of China
Advantages and difficulties in building rule of law in China
Chapter II Traditional Governance Wisdom of China
Enlightenment from Confucius abandoning officialdom for education
Debate on morality and punishment
Morality given priority over penalty
Patriarchal ethics
Systems are sourced from rites
Administration by virtue
Governance through public support
Managing officials by virtue
Inheriting the fine governance tradition of ancient China
Chapter III Sticking to Combination of Rule of Law and Rule of Virtue
Relationship between law and morality
The dialectical relationship between rule of law and rule of virtue
Combination of morality and law is an inevitable choice in a country’s governance
Adhere to combination of rule of law and rule of virtue
Governance needs a combination of rule of law and rule of virtue
Rule of law is inseparable from rule of virtue
Chapter Ⅳ Incorporating Moral Requirements into the Building of Rule of Law
Morality is the spiritual autonomy of human
Meaning of modern rule of virtue
Main areas of modern rule of virtue
Rule of virtue is an indoctrination system
Rule of virtue is the legitimacy basis of rule of law
Rule of law depends on the cultural environment of rule of virtue
Consciously abiding by the law is the highest realm of rule of law
Chapter V Enhance the Role of Rule of Law in Supporting the Morality
Basic concepts of rule of law
Basic requirements of rule of law
Spiritual essence of “supremacy of law”
Importance of sound lawmaking to the combination of morality and law
Strict law enforcement embodies the professional ethics and spirit of rule of law
Impartial administration of justice embodies the spirit of morality and rule of law
Observance of law by everyone is a virtue
Chapter VI Solving Serious Moral Problems through Legal Means
Moral legislation is necessary for moral construction in the transitional period
Turning moral norms into laws is important for moral construction
Integrating socialist core values into the legal system
Strengthen legislation in key areas
Legal integrity is the basic form of modern integrity
Moral legislation in professional life
Moral legislation in social public life
Moral legislation in family life
Moral legalization does not mean substitution of laws by moral norms
Chapter VII Enhancing Universal Legal Awareness and Moral Self-Consciousness
Enlightenment from the Death of Socrates
Eradicating the “rule of man” where “power overshadows law”
Strengthen construction of culture of the rule by law in the whole society
Rule of law and rule of virtue supplement each other
Strengthening civic awareness education
Advance universal law-abiding to the whole of society
Chapter Ⅷ Leading Officials Should Play a Crucial Role in Governing the Country by Law and Virtue
Upholding the leadership by the CPC
Maintaining the advanced nature and purity of the Party
Acting under the framework of the Constitution and law
Adhering to law-based governance of the country
Persisting in law-based administration
Improving the rule of law thinking and the capability of acting by law
Acting as a model in observing the law
Strictly abiding by the internal regulations of the CPC
We must have strict moral self-discipline



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