首页> 中文期刊> 《中华内分泌代谢杂志》 >白细胞介素2受体拮抗剂对器官移植受体糖代谢的影响



新型的抗排异药物IL-2受体拮抗剂,包括巴利昔单抗和达利珠单抗已被广泛用于降低器官移植后急性排斥反应,其对器官移植受体糖代谢的影响也日益受到关注,然而其确切作用尚存争议.移植后新发糖尿病是对移植术后移植物存活及受者长期生存产生重大影响的代谢并发症之一.现有研究中,部分报道IL-2Ra可改善移植受体糖代谢状态,部分显示其对移植受体糖代谢呈负面影响,也有部分提示其对移植受体糖代谢无明显影响.IL-2 Ra对移植受体糖代谢的影响及其确切机制尚需进一步研究加以探讨.%[Summary] Interleukin-2 receptor antagonist (IL-2Ra,ie,basiliximab and daclizumab),a new antibody agent,is widely employed in lowering the risk of acute rejection after organ transplantation,but it meanwhile causes increasing concerns on the effect it exerts on glucose metabolism in transplant recipients,and so far the exact effect still remains controversial.New onset diabetes after transplantation (NODAT) is one of the most influential metabolic complications affecting graft survival and patients' long-term outcomes.Some of the current researches indicate that IL2Ra may improve glucose metabolism in the transplant recipients,some show just the opposite,yet others show no effects.Hence further investigations focusing this aspect are needed.



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